Sri Sathya Sai Global Council - Zone1 (Canada, USA, & West Indies)
1008 Days of Sadhana (Spiritual Practice)
Culminating on Sri Sathya Sai Baba Centennial Birthday Celebrations
08/19/2021 - 11/23/2025
1008 Days of Sadhana
Starting on Thursday, 19 August 2021
Swami says "The purpose of life is to know one's own self". Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) helps us to understand the questions, "Who am I? | From where did I come? | Where am I going to? | How long I will be here? "
Preparation for the Sadhana
Sairam please ensure to go through the check list before you and your family plan on to offer this sadhana to Bhagawan.
Commitment between you and swami
Even though the sadhana is very flexible, please understand that this is an commitment between you and Swami.
Understand Sadhana Activities
We have provided lot of sadhana activities as starters. Click the button “Suggested Sadhana Activities Details” for the more information. If you can’t find that you would like to follow, please use the option “Pick Your Own Sadhana” as well.
Understand sadhana offering types
We have created 8 different sadhana offerings. These are defined based on number of days in a week one can follow the sadhana offering. More details can be found when you click “Explore More” button for each of the offerings.
Note: Even SSSSE children can participate.
Based on your schedule, you can pick any one or more sadhana offerings. Even you can change your sadhana offering type if required during the span of this offering.
Once you selected a sadhana offering, please download the pdf and print. Now fill the form by entering your name, days and sadhana activities.
Ensure to post the downloaded form either at Refrigerator or any passage way in the home that reminds you or your family.
Sadhana Offerings
Sairam! Please see below the 8 different Sadhana Offerings. Choose one or more options that suits you / your family the best.

Sadhana Offering - 1 Day
Pick any 1 day of the week that works for you and pick 5 Sadhana Activities. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 2 Days
Pick any 2 days of the week that works for you and pick 3 Sadhana Activities. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 3 Days
Pick any 3 days of the week that works for you and pick any 2 Sadhana Activities. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 4 Days
Pick any 4 days of the week that works for you and pick at least 3 Sadhana Activities. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 5 Days
Pick any 5 days of the week that works for you and pick at least 1 Sadhana Activity. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 6 Days
Pick any 6 days of the week that works for you and pick 1 Sadhana Activity. You will follow 3 Weeks a month until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 7 Days
Pick all 7 days of the week and pick at least 2 Sadhana Activity. You will follow for any 2 weeks in a month until 11/23/2025.

Sadhana Offering - 1 Day (SSE ONLY)
Pick any 1 day of the week. You will follow every week until 11/23/2025.
Track Your Sadhana Progress (Optional)
Sairam! Please use the below link to share your progress with us. After you click this will take you to a simple form where you can quickly fill in the details and submit. This will take about less than a minute of your time.
Note: This has to be submitted after every month of Sadhana Completion.
Frequently Asked Questions?
Sadhana FAQ's
Have a question? Need more info, please feel free to check here.
Always please reach out to your center office bearers for more questions or information.
- To foster love is the purpose of all spiritual endeavors. In no circumstance should love be given up or ignored. – Jan 1, 1998
- Sadhana does not mean adoring God in a particular place or a particular form. It means thinking of God in all that you do, wherever you may be. You may ask whether this is possible. The answer is that it is possible by dedicating every action to God. – Oct 6, 1992
- Let no one suffer the slightest pain as a result of your thought, word or deed. Let this be your Sadhana. It will surely help you to achieve the Goal. – May 24, 1967.
- Majority of people get glimpses of discrimination and detachment off and on, but they soon forget the call, ignore it or cover it up with excesses or excuses. One step forward and one step back — the journey does not take them far. Even if some do take up spiritual practices, steadiness is absent. Like a ball of thread that slips out of the hand onto the floor, and comes off loose because the grasp is not firm, practices fade away. – Apr 23, 1961
- I do not advocate any specific Sadhana. Consider all people to be the forms of Divinity. Have faith that God is in all. That pleases Me the most. Refrain from doing that which causes grief to others even if it were to give you happiness. Do unto others as you would like to be done by. “Help ever; Hurt never.” Help everybody. Do not harm or hurt anyone. Do not develop ill feelings toward anybody. Even if people were to hurt you or curse you, do not refrain from loving them. This is the main point of Swami’s teachings. That is what Swami expects of you. – Nov 24, 1998
- The anguish of separation from the One you really adore and love is the best Sadhana. Be brisk in that Sadhana. Continue yearning, more and more ardently. – Divine Whispers, p 88
This Sadhana is from
Thursday, August 19th, 2021
Sunday, November 23rd, 2025
Note: This is a progressive Sadhana Offering that covers a span of 4 years leading to Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s 100th Birthday Celebrations.
Many devotees have requested guidance for Sadhana activities that they can follow and offer to our Beloved Bhagawan, Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His 100th birthday.
Sadhana will help us to reach our goal of spiritual realization. Sadhana is a lifelong practice and has no time limit.
This Sadhana offering is for each member (including SSE Children). Please RSVP using the form above to let us know how you wish to participate. There are sevaral Sadhana offerings and your choice(s) will be based on the time you are able to commit.
Yes. A separate form is required for each member. (please check which offering they would like to make before sending in their RSVP)
Do note that this is a voluntary offering by members who wish to embark on this journey.
YES, you can get together with other devotees or members of your center and collectively offer your Sadhana.
- Once you RSVP, we will know which Sadhana you wish to offer.
- We welcome your sharing experiences and motivating others.
We have prepared a diverse list of 8 Sadhana Offerings with something for everyone.
“21 AUMS” and “9 Samastha Loka’s” will be considered mandatory prayers.
Details are clearly specified in the pdf form which can be downloaded.
Once you have selected an offering number, please click on “Explore More” button to open the pdf with the details.
Then download the pdf and print it.
Check List:
- Please write your name
- Select the sadhana activities from the suggested list that you wish to offer to Swami.
- Once you have identified your activities, please enter them in the space provided.
- After completing the form, please keep it in a visible space where it would serve as a reminder.
We have listed some practical activities as an offering to Swami.You are more than welcome to add one of your own. You can download another form and add your additional activities.
YES, you can.
Please submit a new form to do so. All you have to do is download the form by clicking “Explore More” under thet Sadhana Offering that you would like to move to.
Follow the process.
YES, you can.
This is your commitment to Swami.You can change to what works best for you.